So you’re mad you look white, why should I care?

2 min readDec 9, 2020

White passing people are annoying. Plain and simple. You look white, therefore you move through life as white, gaining white privilege and what do you do instead of using your privilege? Complain.

“Woe is me I navigate through life as one of the most privileged groups why does no one understand my struggle?”

Instead of crying about how privileged you are maybe, I don’t know, use that privilege to actually do something helpful. If you navigate through life as white you need to realize that no one wants to hear you complain about your whiteness. Imagine being poor and constantly have to hear Bill Gates complain about having to much money, that’s how it feels.

You being mad that someone called you white, doesn’t and will never change that you look white and therefore gain white privilege. Being who don’t look white do not and will never have that privilege, period. So us calling you white, when you navigate through life as white, isn’t oppression, it’s not even a big deal.

If I sound bitter, I don’t care. I look black 24/7, I experience anti-blackness everyday and will continue to experience it everyday so someone with white privilege claiming anti-blackness when they have never and will never experiences it makes me upset. I can admit that. At the end of the day no matter how you were raised, which ethnic group you’re from, etc. You have white privilege, someone you have power over calling you white isn’t the end of the world so shut up and do something useful.

